Friends of ABC of Texas
The following ABC of Texas Members have provided financial support which is above and beyond their normal dues commitment.
- ABC Texas Gulf Coast Chapter
- Andrews Myers, P.C.
- Craig & Heidt, Inc.
- Force Corporation
- Infinity Construction Services
- ISC Constructors, LLC
- Large and Sons
- Marek Brothers Systems
- Mobil Steel International
- Ref-Chem LP
- Repcon, Inc.
- The Gardner Law Firm
- Turner Industries Group
Effective January 1, 2012, pursuant to subchapter L, Chapter 53, Texas Property Code, statutory forms are required for any waiver and release of a lien or payment bond claim. House Bill 1456 of the 82nd Legislature contains the statutory wording for the forms and other important changes in law. HB 1456 can be found here.
Below are samples of each type of form:
Halt the Assault Campaign
On behalf of ABC National and the Free Enterprise Alliance board, we are pleased to announce the launch of HaltTheAssault.com. The Halt the Assault campaign is funded by ABC's Free Enterprise Alliance and will focus on the issues affecting not just ABC member companies, but small businesses across the country. The target audience is employees of ABC member companies and the public. Recent Rasmussen and Free Enterprise Alliance polls show that small business owners are the most respected profession in America. Small business owners receive a 90% favorability rating, while in contrast, members of Congress, union bosses and CEO's of large corporations are all below 40%. Since roughly 85% of ABC member companies are considered small businesses, it only makes sense for us to seize upon this opportunity and make our voice heard on these very important issues.
The campaign will focus on three important themes: jobs, the economy and how intrusive government regulations stymie growth in those areas. The health care debate, and our opposition to the current law, will be a major topic throughout the campaign. Just a few of the tools HaltTheAssault.com will include are daily blog posts, links to relevant news stories, issue pages and an opportunity for individual companies to submit their pictures and stories about how these hurdles have affected their company. For those that choose to sign up, they will also receive a weekly newsletter that highlights the most important news from that week.
Here are a couple of links to sites that deal with related issues:
The Texas Merit Shop Journal has been awarded the ABC National Award of Excellence in the category of Communication!
We are the construction industry leader committed to developing a safe workplace and a high-performance workforce through quality education and training.
ABC is the only national association devoted exclusively to the merit shop philosophy, which aims to provide:
- the best management techniques
- the finest craftsmanship
- the most competitive bidding and pricing strategies regardless of labor affiliation
Mission Statement
Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas shall represent members in affecting state legislation and other governmental affairs favorable to free enterprise principles and the Merit Shop Philosophy.